Direct and Inversely Proportion

Direct Proportion

Two variables are direct proportional if there is always a constant ratio between them.
(As one variable increases, the other also increases.)

y=k·xa cb da:b=c:da·d=b·c

(The direction of the arrows follows the growth of the variables.
When committing proportionality, follow the arrows direction!)

2 books cost 6 euros. How much do 10 books cost?
(direct proportion: more books - more money) 2 books 6 10 books  x 2:10=6:xx=30

Inversely Proportion

Two variables are inversely proportional if the product of those variables is a constant.
(As one variable increases, the other decreases.)

y=kxa cb da:b=d:ca·c=b·d

(The direction of the arrows follows the growth of the variables.
When committing proportionality, follow the arrows direction!)

20 workers finish a job in 20 days. In how many days will 5 workers finish the same job?
(inversely proportion: more workers - less days)2 workers 20 days5 workers   x days2:5=x:20x=8

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